Casework Update – March 2016

April 6, 2016

A constituent attended my surgery who had been offered a new job which required a DBS check, although they had applied for the DBS over a month ago it had still not arrived and they were left unable to start their new job.  After I wrote to the Disclosure and Barring Service, my constituent received their clearance that same week and subsequently started their new job.  


A concerned resident in Whitburn contacted me about cyclists using a narrow path which was a danger to pedestrians – especially elderly people.  After discussions with the Police the process to erect signage has begun and the area is being monitored.


A local charity in South Shields applied for a mini bus through a government scheme which offers transport to groups and charities.  Although their application was successful they were given no timescale of when they would receive their bus.  I contacted the Minister responsible and the bus will be delivered by the end of May.

Pie Chart March 2016 Final

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