Casework Update- October

November 10, 2015

Every week constituents write to me or visit my fortnightly advice surgeries, looking for help with difficulties they are facing. I am pleased to say that by making representations on their behalf I have been able to help many constituents achieve the outcome they were hoping for. ( Summary of the most common cases can be found by clicking on the pie chart below. ) Here are just a few of the cases where I have achieved a positive result.

  • I was contacted by a constituent who is suffering from a life threatening illness. The only hope of successful treatment was to have stem cells harvested from a close relative who lived abroad.  The visa for the relative had been declined and therefore delaying the urgent treatment.  My office contacted the Home Secretary directly outlining the issue and a visa was granted.
  • A constituent contacted me regarding their boundary fence which was in a severe state of disrepair. Their housing association had failed to repair the fence after several requests and my constituent felt unsafe and was suffering from the effects of anti-social behaviour without the protection of a fence at their property.  I wrote to the housing association in question and within a week a new boundary fence had been erected.
  • A constituent attended my surgery who had been fined whilst parking at South Tyneside Hospital. The constituent had driven to hospital alone and in severe pain to attend A&E and in the circumstances had not thought to buy a ticket.  A parking fine was issued to her home address when she was discharged from hospital.  I wrote to the Chief Executive of the hospital on behalf of the constituent highlighting the case and the fine was overturned.

October pie chart for website

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