South Shields MP, Emma Lewell-Buck was delighted to announce she has been elected Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Dyspraxia. All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party organisations that are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords. They are made up from MPs and Lords from different political persuasions and their aim is to reflect members’ concerns. APPGs are an effective way of bringing together parliamentarians and interested parties to help change legislation and influence the Government. Speaking about her election as Chair of the APPG Emma said, “I know how lucky I am to have a job where I can publicly speak out about my condition and raise awareness, but I know all too well that many other Dyspraxia sufferers aren’t so lucky, since I was elected as an MP I have been frank and open about this often misunderstood condition and now as the Chair of the Dyspraxia APPG I am hopeful that I can work with other parliamentarians to make a difference to many people’s lives, with the APPG behind me I am determined to change the culture of our society and how neurodivergent people and people with disabilities are treated.” Like many people who suffer with Dyspraxia Emma was diagnosed relatively late in life, at the age of 27, after being assessed by an educational psychologist on the advice of a lecturer while she was studying for a master’s degree. She said: “My whole life clicked into place. I suddenly realised why, when I was growing up, I always felt different to other kids and always used to isolate myself. “I realised why I put my shoes on the wrong feet, why I couldn’t tie my laces properly, button my coat up, why I was always spilling my drinks and why the whole family always referred to me as ‘our clumsy Emma’.” Upon Emma’s appointment, Sophie Kayani (Chair of Dyspraxia Foundation) said “All of us at the Dyspraxia Foundation are delighted to have Emma Chairing the APPG. Having someone with Dyspraxia representing others with Dyspraxia is key to raising awareness and we know Emma will do her upmost to represent the community”
Featured in the photo is Emma with Eleanor Howes, Chief Executive Officer of the Dyspraxia Foundation and Sophie Kayani Chair of Dyspraxia Foundation