Emma raises concerns about Attendance Allowances

February 16, 2016

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Last week in Health Questions Emma asked for some assurances that attendance allowance, currently paid to over 1 million elderly people with physical or mental disabilities was not going to be reduced as the government plan to move responsibility for administering the scheme from the Department for Work and Pensions to local authorities.

The £5 billion fund helps people retain independence and remain in their own homes for longer, it is due to be transferred to local councils to administer from 2018.  However there is a worry that the fund, if not ring-fenced, will go into local council’s general finances, with adult social care departments already operating strict eligibility criteria there is a real worry that the allowance will be restricted or capped.

You can read Emma’s Question and the Minister’s response here.

Speaking afterwards Emma said:

“It was interesting that the Minister spoke of ongoing discussions with colleagues at the DWP yet no mention of his colleagues in the Department for Communities and Local Government, yet it will be local authorities who are left with the costs of administering and maintaining the scheme.

Without proper discussion and consultation attendance allowances could end up a post code lottery, adding even more pressure to the care sector and our NHS. I will be writing to the Minister asking for a more detailed response on this matter.’



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