Emma urges Scotland to stay in UK at Shields rally

September 16, 2014

140915 Scottish Independence RallyOn Monday morning Emma addressed a rally at South Shields Town Hall urging Scotland to vote No in Thursday’s independence referendum.

Also speaking at the event were the historian and broadcaster Dan Snow, who has been touring Britain campaigning to keep Britain united, and the Leader of South Tyneside Council Iain Malcolm.

Dan is asking British people to sign an open letter to Scotland asking them to stay as part of the UK.  Over 200 celebrities have signed, including Mick Jagger, Alan Sugar and Sir David Attenborough.

You can add your own name by visiting https://www.letsstaytogether.org.uk/.

At the end of the rally the four flags of the United Kingdom were raised, together with the Union Flag.

Speaking at the rally, Emma said:

“This week will see one of the most important events in the history of the United Kingdom.

On Thursday we may see the break up of our three hundred year union with Scotland, a country that for us in the North East many of our values are closer to than in other parts of England.

This vote does not just affect Scots but all of us and in the North East, more acutely making us an economic competitor with our close friends and neighbours,

This vote is not about what Government we will have in the future – this is a vote about the future of the United Kingdom and all of our futures.

I do not want to see my friends and neighbours in Scotland leave the United Kingdom. That’s why I will be visiting Scotland again this week with hundreds of other Labour MPs, Councillors and activists campaigning to keep Scotland part of Britain.” 

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