Mortimer College gets visit from Emma

September 24, 2013

IMG_7396-1Emma Lewell-Buck, Member of Parliament for South Shields, met last week with pupils running to be Head Girl and Head Boy of Mortimer Community College.

During their discussion, Emma was asked a series of questions by the candidates and passed on advice from her own recent election campaign. She told students that working hard and putting in the hours were vital in getting her to the position she is in today and that her favourite part of being a Member of Parliament was meeting her constituents and talking to them about the issues that affect South Shields.

The election will take place at Mortimer Community College on 4th October with the school renting polling boothes and ballot boxes from South Tyneside Council.  The winning students will become ambassadors for their school, representing them on such occasions as school open days, as well as being a voice for the rest of the student body.

Emma said:

“It was a privilege to see the enthusiasm these students have for their school and I hope the advice I gave them helps in their own campaign.

“I wish them all every success in the future and look forward to being at the school on Election Day.”

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