Once Again Shields is Overlooked for Levelling-Up

October 3, 2023

In yet another mockery of the empty slogan that is “Levelling-Up”, the Government has overlooked South Shields in its latest round of funding.

Despite the huge potential in our bid to regenerate the Town Centre, it is clear that the Government has no intention whatsoever in investing in our gorgeous town.

This marks the third round of funding in which the South Shields bid has been overlooked, in addition to the Towns Fund (rejected) and the Freeport bid (rejected).

It is pretty clear that the Tories are just using these funds to desperately prop-up their ailing Party, with the majority of funds going to areas with Tory MPs.

Despite promises to tackle the inequalities that are holding back towns like ours, the Prime Minister seems to be content with putting his Party before his country.

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